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Apache Ofbiz Installation Windows 10


I'm using Windows 10 with JDK 8 u171. When i launch the installation of Apache OFBiz 16.11.04 without demo data, i encounter errors during the --load-data step. It seems there are missing dependencies, but i can't reach neither the exact reason nor a solution to bypass this error.

  1. Installation Windows 10
  2. Apache Ofbiz Entity Engine

I want to install ofbiz on my laptop.I installed ubuntu 12.04 GUI version.Can anybody help me out???I tried so many procedure. After installing Apache OFBiz.

I tried these options:

  • Change the JDK. I move to JDK 10 without success.
  • Find the location of the missing class (org/apache/commons/cli/ParseException

    None of them leaded to success.


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Calcio italiano risultati e classifica. I want to install ofbiz on my laptop.I installed ubuntu 12.04 GUI version.Can anybody help me out???I tried so many procedure from internet,but every time i failed.

Mahmadur RahmanMahmadur Rahman

2 Answers

  1. Download ofbiz https://ofbiz.apache.org/download.html
  2. Check your Java installed: java -version Output should be: java version '1.7.0_21'
  3. Next go to directory where you should find: apache-ofbiz-12.04.01.zip
  4. unpack ofbiz: unzip apache-ofbiz-12.04.01.zip
  5. Build ofBiz with Demo data: ./ant load-demo will take about 20 minutes
  6. Next start ofbiz: ./ant start
  7. As per README file open in browser: [http://localhost:8080/ecommerce/] to look at the demo storefront and open administration interface at [https://localhost:8443/webtools]

Step 1: After downloading the jdk file open the terminal Ctrl + Alt + T for navigate to the file. (you can use sudo apt-get install nautilus-open-terminal for open Terminal in Any location)

This will extract and create a jdk folder at your current path(jdk-7u75-linux-i586.tar.gz is my jdk file name).

Step 2: Create a location to keep your new JDK . I prefer and usually use /usr/lib/jvm/

You may need root permission to create the /usr/lib/jvm (hence use sudo).

Step 3: Move the extracted jdk folder to /usr/lib/jvm/

Step 4: Now we have to setup our system to use refer to our new jdk

And also register Firefox Java Plugin

ALL DONE. You can test your java install by Type java -version

Then Same way for Apache ant:

You can test your ant install by ant -version

Then Set Path: For java path setup go to terminal & type: sudo nano /etc/environment

Set JAVA_HOME ANT_HOME & PATH as like given. Save & Close the Terminal

Step 5: After installing Apache OFBiz, Use following command to start Apache OFBiz service on system: Go to The OfBiz Folder Directory & open TERMINAL Then type the following Command:

  1. sudo ant clean-all
  2. sudo ant load-demo
  3. sudo ant load-extseed // this is not mendotory; it is used for changes of Entity
  4. sudo ant start // This will Start Apache OFBiz Service

Step 6: Access Apache OFBiz in Browser

Access Apache OFBiz in browser on port 8443 as below given url and login credentials.

URL: https://localhost:8443/humanres/control/main

Admin Username: admin

Apache ofbiz entity engine

Admin Password: ofbiz

Thats All Done..........!

Installation Windows 10


Apache Ofbiz Entity Engine

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